The Musical Malans – Boise Family Photographer


Meredith is another person I ‘met’ before I moved here and she was so helpful with sharing information about the school that my kids go to now. Her family is one talented and beautiful bunch! Her children are not only musicians, but her girls are amazing gymnasts! Her husband is our dentist so I can’t say anything bad about their family or he’ll take it out on me in the dental chair. Just kidding, there’s nothing bad I could say about them anyway! ๐Ÿ™‚
Fam and kids


I don’t know if I even knew how to tie my own shoes when I was 5! This 5 year old is an inspiration! What a handsome little guy!

5 years old


pink dress



Taking pictures of these beautiful children made me wish I was more musically inclined and made me want to get my kids into music more.ย middle oldest
What a beautiful couple and a beautiful family! Dan, your wife is a babe! I hope Dan doesn’t hate me for including that last one, it’s so funny I couldn’t resist! ๐Ÿ™‚
Meredith, your entire gallery of 100+ photos is almost ready for you! I’ll send you the password soon!
