The Fabulous Five – Boise Family Photographer

I was so happy when my friend Amy asked me if I would take their family pictures! Our first shoot got rained out and even though it was pretty darn cold on the day we had rescheduled the shoot we just went for it! When I got to the spot I had picked out there was this couple standing there gazing deep into each others eyes standing precisely where I wanted to set up. I asked them if they were waiting for a photographer and if it would be ok if I set up  there. It turns out they had just then gotten engaged. I felt bad about breaking up their romantic moment so I took a few shots of them and emailed them the pictures later for thanking them for letting me take over their spot. Little did I know at the time, but the spot I had picked was apparently the most popular spot in the whole park because there were about 5 other photographers with their clients who came to try to use that spot as well. Most of them got tired of waiting and left, but one of them waited until I was done and squeezed in their family before my next appointment arrived.



One of the things I love about photographing people is being able to peek inside their relationships and catch a glimpse of the special bonds they share. Amidst their kids being freezing cold and running all over I got these portraits of Amy and Adam and I can just see what a special relationship they have from the way they looked at each other and how they were able to put aside the chaos and just focus on each other even if it was for just a moment.Amy and Adam


When it was his turn to be the star of the photo this little guy turned into Mr. GQ. What a handsome little guy!Gavin

It really was fun getting to know Amy’s kids at their family shoot. This little lady was such a great smiler and full of personality! Beautiful inside and out!Liv

How cute is little Luke!? This little guy was doing his best not to freeze to death!

Since it was so cold outside during the shoot and we hadn’t gotten a picture of just the three kids that we liked Amy brought her kiddos over to my house to see if we could get some shots. I think we got a few:-) 


I’m excited to start seeing the pictures that I have taken show up on Christmas cards! That’s my favorite when I get a Christmas card with the photos I have taken on it! I can hardly believe that the holidays are here!